
3-channel-video | 8:18 min | HDV | mono | 2010
director | editor | producer | camera | sound: Mandy Krebs

The installation „Wundtstrasse“ shows three men in three kitchens from three different perspectives. The kitchens are almost identical, but differ by monochromatic color scheme of green, yellow and orange. The people act retarded, their mechanical movements fit into the sterile seriality of the kitchens. In between a camera view opens into luminous corridors which creates uncertainty about the status of the shown reality. The fragmented vision of the building and externally directed movement contributes to the impression of a discomfort feeling. The variation of the same architectural theme and the rehearsed movements of the actors are reminiscent to modernist architecture, the spatial structure implies the disciplining of bodies, such as machines for living of Le Corbusier.

Spielplätze V, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany

Schnittraum – Das Unbehagen an der Wirklichkeit, Gallery of the University of Arts, Brunswick, Germany